Sermon Archive

Worship is offered daily in our parish, according to the Book of Common Prayer. On Sundays we gather to receive holy Communion and attend to holy Scripture. Through the week, the ‘Daily Offices’ of Morning and Evening Prayer give structure to our common life. Learn more >
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion
10:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
10:30 a.m. Choral Holy Communion
5:00 p.m. Evening Prayer
Morning Prayer: 8:00 a.m.
Evening Prayer: 5:30 p.m.
Holy Communion: Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m.
Feast Days as announced.
In response to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Parish of Saint George offers a unique combination of traditional Anglican worship and a commitment to Inner-City Ministry. Open to the community that surrounds it, Saint George’s dares to be shaped by the Inner City, yet seeks to transform our neighbourhood by preaching, in Word and action, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn More >
Whether it be robust congregational singing of hymns and psalms, polyphonic masses and motets sung by the parish choir, or the sweet singing of children's voices, music at Saint George's aspires to tune our hearts and minds to prayer and praise. Learn more >
2221 Maitland Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
2222 Brunswick St.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3K 2Z3