COVID-19 Safety and Updates
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic means that we must take extra precautions to help prevent the further spread of the virus. While in the church, please…
wear a mask;
clean your hands upon arriving;
check in with the greeter to record your name;
do not sit in the pews marked off with a ribbon;
refrain from shaking hands and try to cough or sneeze into your elbow.
At the time of the Holy Communion (during the 10:30 a.m. service only), please remain seated until the greeter has signaled that it is time for you to go. Those sitting around the outside aisles and the upstairs Gallery will go first, followed by those sitting around the centre aisle.
There are two stations for receiving the Sacrament, one on each side of the Communion rail. We ask that only one person or household go to each station at a time.
Upon leaving the Communion rail, please turn to the left and go through the vestry door or follow the arrows back down the central aisle of the chancel. (The latter may be easier for those with mobility problems).
At the end of the service, please exit the church using one of the three exits: the vestry door (side door to your left), the door to the parking lot (side door to your right), or the Brunswick Street doors, leaving your prayer books in the box provided at the door. If physically possible, please consider using the Brunswick Street door, especially if you are seated near the back of the church.
At all times, we must observe physical distancing in the church, keeping six feet or two metres from those outside of your family or household.
If you have travelled or have been in direct contact with someone who has travelled outside of Nova Scotia within the last fourteen days or are feeling unwell and have symptoms of COVID-19, please do not come to church. Let the Rector know if you are unwell so we can offer our care and our prayers for you.