
“O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness;
let the whole earth stand in awe of Him.”
—Psalm 96

Saint George’s is a parish church of the Classical Anglican tradition.

Worship is offered daily according to the Book of Common Prayer, a prayer book which draws from the depth and breadth of the Christian spiritual tradition. We mark each day of the year and each time of day with prayer and careful attention to Holy Scripture, as we seek to ‘offer ourselves, our souls, and bodies as a reasonable, holy and living sacrifice.’

Choral Holy Communion

Sundays, 10:30 a.m.

The services of interpreters for Deaf and intervenors for Deaf/Blind parishioners are available at this service.

A Sunday School program is available for children grades 1-6, September through June.

This is our principal Sunday gathering and is led musically by the Parish Choir which lends a beauty and dignity to the service. Traditional congregational hymns, settings for the Ordinary, and choral motets are selected from the breadth and depth of the Christian musical tradition to complement the cadence and rhythm of the Book of Common Prayer service.

Holy Communion

Sundays, 8 am / Wednesdays, 10 am

The services of interpreters for Deaf and intervenors for Deaf/Blind parishioners are available at the Wednesday service of Holy Communion.

These services are quiet and contemplative and celebrated without music. They follow the Book of Common Prayer order for the Lord’s Supper. Following the Wednesday service, light refreshments are served at the back of the Church.

Morning & Evening Prayer

Weekdays, 8 am & 5:30 pm
Sundays, 10:15 am & 5 pm

From June until the end of September, the weekday Daily Offices and Sunday Evening Prayer are offered in the Little Dutch (Deutsch) Church on the corner of Brunswick and Gerrish Street.

Parishioners lead these simple, daily services or ‘offices’, which we inherit from an ancient tradition of Christian monasticism. A small congregation gathers to read the Psalms responsively, meditate upon the Holy Scriptures, and pray for our parish.

Children are most welcome at Saint George’s.

Babies and young children remain with their parents during our services. If your child needs a quiet space at any time during worship, a small nursery room and bathroom with a changing table are located at the back of the church.
Children in grades 1-6 are welcome to join our Sunday School, which departs unannounced for a lesson and craft following the Creed and returns for Communion.