Parish Life
“For in him we live, and move, and have our being”
—Acts of the Apostles
The rhythms of prayer and music which shape the life of the Round Church, and the activities in our parish hall, are offered in service to God and for the sake of our neighbourhood.

Soup Kitchen
Saturdays, 4–5 pm
Parish Hall, Maitland Street Entrance
The Maitland Street entrance is wheelchair accessible.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are unfortunately only able to provide a takeout service at this time.
The Soup Kitchen serves supper to 100-160 people each Saturday afternoon and provides an opportunity for friends and neighbours to gather together. For over 40 years, Saint George’s has partnered with local churches and organizations to provide food and volunteers. We are a member of Feed Nova Scotia, and are grateful for their support and kindness.
Get Involved
We are always happy to welcome new volunteers. Please contact us if your organization, church or business would like to partner with Soup Kitchen. All soup kitchen inquiries should be made to the parish office.
How to Give
Financial gifts to support Soup Kitchen can be made through the parish’s Canada Helps page. Please specify that your gift is intended for Soup Kitchen.

St. George’s YouthNet
Parish Hall, Main Hall
Apolonnia Perri, Executive Director
Saint George’s YouthNet provides free programs to children and youth, aged 7-17, living in or near Uniacke Square, a public housing neighbourhood in the North End of Halifax. It offers after-school, lunch, and teen programs throughout the school year and wilderness camping trips and day camps during the summer. YouthNet has offered friendship and support to the community since it was founded in 1998.
Get Involved
There are always opportunities to volunteer with YouthNet. Those wishing to lend a hand or support YouthNet and its mission, should visit the YouthNet website for further information or get in touch with the Executive Director.

Sunday School
Sundays, 10:30 am (September–June)
Round Church & Parish Hall
Please get in touch for more information.
Sunday School for grades 1-6 runs from September to June during Holy Communion at 10:30 am on Sundays. The children are present in the church from the beginning of the service and head to the Parish Hall for their lessons and crafts after the Creed. Teachers and children then return to the service for Communion.
We also have a nursery room at the back of the church for parents with young children who need a break from the service.

Refugee Sponsorship
The Saint George’s Refugee Sponsorship Committee is a partnership between our parish, faculty and students at the University of King’s College, St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, and other members of Halifax’s North End neighbourhood. We are currently sponsoring four different refugee applications which include families from Syria, South Sudan, and Uganda.
Halifax Humanities Society
Like St. George’s YouthNet, Halifax Humanities Society is a community organization tied to the legacy of Saint George’s work in the North End community. The Course “Halifax Humanities 101” exists for those who love to learn, but face financial barriers to education.
Learn More >
The Friends of Saint George’s
The Friends of Saint George’s Society supports the worship, work and mission of the Parish. The Society accepts donations in support of the parish music program, parish educational programs, and various forms of ministry within the parish. Learn more >
Parish Music
Whether it be robust congregational singing of hymns and psalms, polyphonic masses and motets sung by the parish choir, or the sweet singing of children's voices, music at Saint George's aspires to tune our hearts and minds to prayer and praise. Learn more >