Friends of St. George’s Society

The Mandate

The Objects of the Society are:

  1. to promote the worship of the Book of Common Prayer Canada (1962) and to support the Parish of St. George in that goal.

  2. to promote, support and assist the Parish in all ministries which encourage and foster the use of the Book of Common Prayer.

To this end, the Society accepts donations in support of the parish music programme, parish educational programmes, and various forms of ministry within the parish.

The History

At the Parish Annual Meeting on March 6th, 2005, parishioners were informed that a society called “Friends of Saint George’s Society” wished to become established for the sole purpose of supporting the worship, work and mission of Saint George’s but that those who would like to establish this Society seek the expressed ‘good-will’ of the parish before doing so.   The Friends would like to begin making financial contributions to current aspects of parish life in 2005, if approved by this Parish AGM. The following resolution was proposed: “That the Parish of Saint George’s gratefully acknowledges the establishment of an extra-parochial Society called ‘Friends of Saint George’s Society’ which exists solely for the purpose of supporting the worship, work and mission of Saint George’s Parish as such worship, work and mission is determined regularly through normal organs of the Parish. Membership of the Society may or may not include parishioners. [In fact, many or most of the members of the Society are parishioners and the Rector is always part of this group.] Fundraising of the Society will be within and outside the Parish. All fund raising and advertisement of the Mandate of the Society within the Parish will be restricted to the discretion of the Parish itself.” This was duly passed at the 2005 Parish AGM. In accordance with the Society’s Mandate, financial support is offered to the parish by the Friends. Approval of such support is at the discretion of Parish Council.

The Board of Directors

Susan Harris (President)
Meghan Jamieson (Secretary)
William Hibbitts (Treasurer)
Anna Paton (Official Agent)
Jan Connors

Janet Ross
Neil Robertson
Nathan McAllister
Tracy Lenfesty
Garth MacPhee (ex officio, non-voting)

The Friends of St George’s Society is a registered charitable organization that supports the worship, work and mission of Saint George’s Parish, Halifax.

How to give: